价: RM130.00
100% 纯天然 法国 Natural Daily Detox (排毒)
~ 加了益生菌成分哦!好棒~
~ 美味可口不浓稠,90%服用者不绞痛&不腹泻 ~
Natural Daily Detox
❤Natural Daily Detox 特点:
✅ ~100%纯天然
✅ ~Ribena口味,不使用shaker都能喝
✅ ~不导致肚子绞痛
✅ ~不含调味剂、色素、防腐剂或糖精
✅ ~不含泻药成份
❤Natural Daily Detox 功效 :
❤ 适合人群 :
✅~孕妇 2-3天一包
❤服用方法 :
每日临睡前服用一包。 把Natural Daily Detox倒入杯,注入100毫升清水,使用汤匙搅匀即
❤ 法国 Natural Daily Detox 成分:
- 菊粉
- 洋车前子壳
- 苜蓿
- 芦荟
- 葡萄益生菌
纯天然 の原料,长时间服用也不会产生副作用‼️
安全服用 ,连孕妇小孩都能服用的益生菌排毒✅
Natural Daily Detox 帮你有效治疗便秘,使皮肤更靓丽
终于盼到 halal 证书出炉,NDD 又多了一份证明,证明所有在卖着 NDD 的微商们的信誉,也证明消费者可喝得安心,恭喜恭喜我们
身边朋友家人都说我瘦了,还下了3kg, 肚腩也没了,喝过这么多排毒,NDD是我喝过最top的排毒王。
Natural daily detox效果真的好棒,毒素️轻易排出肚腩小了 。
欢迎询问购买 ,微信: raniseming
Natural Daily Detox is a scientifically tested, effective and safest body detox supplement.
It is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process used by the body to transport, detoxify and excrete waste materials and other toxic substances from the body. The utilisation of kiwi and lemon is the first detox combination that published in the market and this make Natural Daily Detox become a pioneer detox supplements.
It challenges you to beat the record of 7pounds lost in a week and promises to detoxify and sculpt your body. Try Natural Daily Detox to give your body the essential nutrients it needs to ensure you achieve optimal detoxification results.
You’ll love the taste, the way it’s work and the results!
Why choose Natural Daily Detox? Safe and effective 100 % natural ingredient with No preservatives, colouring, artificial sugar excellent source of dietary fibre, vitamins & minerals natural antioxidants suitable for vegan comprehensive inner cleansing program, ribena flavour, no diarrhea.
Natural Daily Detox act together as an effective body cleanse. This combination of detoxification and elimination works to cleanse your body, lose weight and feel great!
1. Improve bowel movement to pxxx out toxins
2. Neutralize stomach acidic & relieve stomach gas
3. Remove sluggish waste materials on the intestinal wall
4. Disinfect, soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining
5. Reduce body weight
Suitable for all group of people. For kids advice to take half sachet and for pregnant women take within 2-3 days per sachet. Please get doctor advice if you are under medication.
Consumption:-One (1) sachet daily, pour into 100ml water, stir and consume before sleep
It is designed to enhance the body’s natural metabolic detoxification process used by the body to transport, detoxify and excrete waste materials and other toxic substances from the body. The utilisation of kiwi and lemon is the first detox combination that published in the market and this make Natural Daily Detox become a pioneer detox supplements.
It challenges you to beat the record of 7pounds lost in a week and promises to detoxify and sculpt your body. Try Natural Daily Detox to give your body the essential nutrients it needs to ensure you achieve optimal detoxification results.
You’ll love the taste, the way it’s work and the results!
Why choose Natural Daily Detox? Safe and effective 100 % natural ingredient with No preservatives, colouring, artificial sugar excellent source of dietary fibre, vitamins & minerals natural antioxidants suitable for vegan comprehensive inner cleansing program, ribena flavour, no diarrhea.
Natural Daily Detox act together as an effective body cleanse. This combination of detoxification and elimination works to cleanse your body, lose weight and feel great!
1. Improve bowel movement to pxxx out toxins
2. Neutralize stomach acidic & relieve stomach gas
3. Remove sluggish waste materials on the intestinal wall
4. Disinfect, soothe and heal the mucous membrane lining
5. Reduce body weight
Suitable for all group of people. For kids advice to take half sachet and for pregnant women take within 2-3 days per sachet. Please get doctor advice if you are under medication.
Consumption:-One (1) sachet daily, pour into 100ml water, stir and consume before sleep
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